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The Branding Table simplifies viewing and building your brand as a whole. The system’s structure and its processes helps you create a holistic and meaningful brand, built entirely on your unique purpose. But how should all the elements in your brand platform be developed, so that they stay connected and can create amazing synergies that will increase your future results? For example, how should your business idea be linked to your channel strategy? How does your name relate to your tactics? Or how does your design system support your mission? 

The ”rubber band” that keeps all the elements in the holistic brand together are the three guiding elements that we call Super Elements:
1. Your VALUE CREATION defines WHAT overall value you create, give and sell, that will make your brand important and frame all the elements of your purpose. 
2. Going from there, it’s easier to define how you need and want to be perceived – WHO you are to others, which is the BRAND POSITION that should control and guide all your identity elements. 
3. From that follows your CREATIVE STRATEGY – HOW you should act in the most clever way to succeed in reaching out and creating the change you want to create.

Once you have defined your super elements (in no more than 2 or 3 words each) you’ll know exactly what to communicate and what to offer. 


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