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Behaviours define the way a brand acts outwards but also inwards when it comes to employees. For some businesses where defining the internal culture is key, brand behaviours work better. Especially for fast-growing start-ups and scale-ups, where teams grow quickly and they need more tangible methods of defining who they are and how they work.

Netflix is a good example of using brand behaviours by defining 10 behaviours for employees to follow and can be applied to many different functions across the organisation.

Here are Netflix behaviours along with a couple of their short descriptions

Judgment – You identify root causes, and get beyond treating symptoms

Communication – You listen well and seek to understand before reacting

Curiosity – You seek alternate perspectives

Courage – You take smart risks and are open to possible failure

Passion – You inspire others with your thirst for excellence

Selflessness – You make time to help colleagues

Innovation – You thrive on change

Inclusion – You recognise we all have biases, and work to grow past them

Integrity – You treat people with respect independent of their status or disagreement with you

Impact – You make your colleagues better

There are more descriptions for all these behaviours so the employees get an even better understanding how these words should guide them in their efforts. Read more about them here.

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