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Disney’s mission is to create happiness for people of all ages, everywhere.

This is a mission that a lot of people can get behind. Happiness is a basic need that we all need, and it is something that we will always need. That is what makes this so special. When you know what a company believes in, it makes your decisions as a customer easier. It makes it easier to trust them. When you know that they’re on your side, it’s easier to think of them as one of us—and we love that!

We know that Disney is dedicated to giving us the best stories and characters possible because they believe in making the world a better place. They believe in treating their employees well, in making sure everyone has access to their products and services regardless of where they live (or how much money they make). And they believe in bringing those same stories and characters into our lives through feature films, Broadway plays, games, and toys—because they want us all to feel like part of the same community.

When you know someone shares your values and you see yourself reflected in their actions, it becomes an easy decision to choose your favorite brands/companies/personalities.

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