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Tesla’s long-term goal is to be the biggest car company in the world. Honestly, it is a very large goal, especially for when they started as a start-up. But it has been very clear and helped them focus, all the way till today. Now it actually seems like they can make it, even though they have a couple of steps left. 

Tesla had a different approach to reaching this goal. Instead of aiming directly for quantity in the lower-end consumer car space, they focused on creating the most luxurious, expensive, fully-featured sports car they could afford. Very far from the recommended Minimal Viable Product that is recommended to startups. 

Tesla studied and adapted to the industry and business environment it would operate in. They knew their strengths, understood their market position, and built their strategy around their own findings instead of following conventional wisdom. Two key examples of smart moves towards that goal are owning the supply chain of batteries and a marketing strategy based around Elon Musk. 

Today, Tesla has not yet reached their goal to become the biggest car company, but they have become the most valuable car company beating the closest competitor by at least double value! Pretty impressive considering some of those other companies have owned the market for the past 100 years. 

Tesla is well on its way, let’s see the next step they take to reach its goal. 

Have you written down your goal? Download our Purpose Worksheet and make it clear along with all the other purpose elements.

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