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Avis ,is one of the largest companies in the car rental business and is second only to Hertz. This fact has been a constant obstacle for the brand, fighting against someone who is larger, and therefore in many eyes, better. Why else would so many choose them?

But what makes Avis such an interesting case is how they’ve managed to turn being a runner-up into something positive.  They’re known for their clever advertisement slogan “We try Harder” which pokes fun at their main competitor. Hinting a little bit that Hertz is lazy as number 1, but that Avis as number two will always work more to please their customers. And they’ve used this opportunity as a way to distinguish themselves from their competitors, rather than letting it hold them back or make them feel inferior.

The effect of the new slogan in 1962 was instant. The year after the campaign started, Avis turned a yearly loss of $3.2 million into its first profit in over 10 years to $1.2 million.

Hertz, on the other hand, weren’t worried and ignored these efforts. The effect was that they lost 12% of their market share in the coming years while Avis gained 7%. Finally Hertz reacted to the threat and adapted a response as “the No 1” brand which eventually stabalized the market. Avis, contiuned using the “We try harder” campaign for over 50 years. An incredible feat considering this was their biggest obstacle, which was turned into an opportunity!

Look at your current situation. What is your greatest opportunity?

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