So how do we find our mission? Let’s start by defining the following three questions:
- What is our goal?
- What do we doto reach that goal?
- What impact is created by reaching that goal?
Create 3 columns on a digital tool or whiteboard, each column representing one of the questions above. Start by writing down different ways to phrase your long-term goal in the left-hand column. In the middle column, list all the ways you can achieve that goal. Finally, in the right column, describe the different impacts created from the two other columns.
When the columns feel complete look over your answers and see which ones can be combined together, start in their resepective columns and then test combinations across columns. Look for patterns and similarities, and see which combination of words create an emotional response.
You might need a couple of different combinations to take to the next step. One way to structure your mission is to phrase it in the following structure.
Our mission is to ( goal) by (what we offer/how we do it) so (impact).
If this combination doesn’t work, here are some other examples:
To [contribution/goal] so [impact].
Our mission is to [contribution/goal] by [what you offer/how you do it] for [target audience] so [impact].
To build/offer [what you offer/how you do it] for [target audience] to [contribution/goal] and [impact].
Once you have created a few versions of your mission that you are proud of, share them with different stakeholders and get their spontaneous feedback. What does their gut tell them. .
When you’ve gotten enough responses, go through your mission again and see how you can make it even more powerful. Create a final version and share it with the rest of the team.
It is how the mission is phrased that makes it powerful and memorable. If you have a word-wizard in your team or network, ask them to have a look at it. Ask them how they would get more emotions in your text. Remember, your mission should make you, your team, and your customers proud!
Have you clarified your mission? Download our Purpose Worksheet and make it clear along with all the other purpose elements.