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First we need to define all your target audiences. 

Write down the different groups that you connect with, either intentionally or indirectly. 

Choose the three that are the most important to achieve your obectives. From these three we will write down what we want them to know, how we want them to feel, what they should think and how we want them to act. Add a short description of each group that can describe their general situation or behaviour.

Create a grid with 4 rows and 5 columns. On the first row, label the columns target audience (1), KNOW(2), FEEL (3), THINK(4) and DO(5). In the left column, write down the different audiences. In the following columns, write down the answers for the following questions.

  • What should the target audience KNOW after you have contacted them?
  • How should that knowledge make them FEEL?
  • When the audience feels the above, what should they THINK?
  • From the three previous questions, what do we want the target audience to DO?

Which one of these target audience is the most important to focus on? The above answers can vary depending on more specific campaigns.

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