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Value Creation is a tricky little nugget. Luckily we have a couple of great minds that we’ll combine to help you along the way. Sit down in a group or team and work with your Value Proposition Canvas and Golden Circle.

Step 1 – Value Proposition Canvas

Let’s start with the Value Proposition Canvas to find the pains and gains of your customers and link those to your product and benefits. What is the emotional result that the customer feels when your product/service has been delivered? Try to find a couple of descriptive words or a combination of words that describe this result.

Step 2 – The Golden Circle

Let’s use The Golden Circle to clarify the WHY behind your company. 

  1. Fill in the outer circle with what you do. Products, services, etc
  2. In the second circle, describe how you do what you do. Focus on writing down traits that separate you from how competitors work. 
  3. Thirdly, write down your why. 

Very few companies know their why. This is not about making money, money is a result. Instead, your WHY is a purpose, cause or belief. Something emotional that not only your company can stand for, but also customers and other stakeholders. Write down your different answers and pick a few that feel right. 

Step 3

Now we will combine your Value Proposition Canvas with your Golden Circle. 

Create two overlapping circles where the left one is Value Proposition answers and the right is your answers for your Golden Circle. 

In the overlapping area, we want to experiment and combine different answers from the two circles. Our goal is to find a phrase that triggers our gut feelings, and it needs to feel just right. Feel free to mix and match and create new words to get a better descriptive phrase. 2-3 words is the best result. 

If lost, just send us you thoughts and maybe we can help you on the final stretch! Good luck!

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