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Let us look at what words describe your brand.

  1. Pick around 20-30 words that resonate with you from the core values list (or add your own). Either write them down or print it out and circle or highlight them. 
  2. Now we want to break them down further and aim for just five words. To make this a little easier, try grouping together certain words that could mean the same thing.
    For example, money, wealth, freedom, or prosperity might all mean the same thing for you. If so, group these and pick one word that resonates the most.
    Remember, the goal here is narrow down your list to five values.
  3. Congratulations! If you’ve made it this far, you’re doing great. Narrow the list to three main core values. It’s possible to have more, but we recommend identifying three so you will stay focused and more precise in your strategy.
  4. Describe every core value in a bit more detail to remind you what exactly is meant by that world.
  5. Communicate the core values to the rest of your team, and make sure they understand them. Just defining and communicating your brand values isn’t enough! It’s essential to implement them across your entire company, from new employees to stakeholder meetings to customer experience. 

Actions that aren’t aligned with your core values will negatively impact your brand’s reputation. So get your core values down, today!

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