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Mapping out your brand structure is one of the first things you should do when creating your branding strategy. By mapping out all of the brands in your business, you can get a better idea of what needs to be done and how to go about doing it. This will also help you figure out if any of your brands need more attention than others—and what kind of attention each needs.

  1. So, write down all of the possible companies, brands, products and group them together.
  2. Seperate them into logical clusters based on their similarities and think about what makes each different from one another. Brands can be grouped by function, product or service offerings, customer base, revenue streams or any other attribute that makes sense for your business. What sets them apart? How can they be used together? And how can they stand out on their own?
  3. Structure these groups into a brand hierarchy tree and share it with your team so that everyone is on the same page. Look at these groups, is any of these brands more important than the others? If one bring sin more revenue, should that one be prioritized? Which one has the greatest potential to change the world?

Do you have a clear architecture? Download our Purpose Worksheet and make it clear along with all the other purpose elements.

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