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It is not enough to find the right channels and write them down on a list. Knowing how to use the channels in a right way is key. 

For any situation, your target audience needs to go through certain mental steps before they are converted. The first might be a bit obvious, but they need to KNOW who you are, what you do/offer, and how you are different. 

Then they need to TRUST that what you are saying is true. This can be through cases, testimonials, news articles and pretty much anything that confirms your statement. 

Finally we are ready for your audience to ACT. You need to be clear about what you want your visitor to do. This can be anything from actually buying, signing up, liking, to becoming a fan or spreading your message to their friends. This doesn’t have to be about quick sales. You need to make sure that the logical ACT step is on the right level of their knowledge and trust towards you. Sending them to your website is leaving them a lot of options, better to send them to a specific page custom fit for their needs. 

Note: The steps KNOW-TRUST-ACT are similar to the marketing funnel AWARENESS-CONSIDERATION-CONVERSION. The difference is how they are phrased to help you focus and get clear and concise answers.

Let’s map this out!

  1. Draw three circles with the same center. Name the outer circle KNOW, middle circle TRUST and the center circle ACT. 
  2. Write down your channels around the outside of the circles. 
  3. Let’s start in the outer circle. For each channel, write down the 3 most important things that the audience should know about your brand. 
  4. Next step is to do the same thing for TRUST. What 3 things should each channel do to make the audience trust your brand?
  5. Finally, what is your Call-to-Action for each channel? Write down 3 actions that you want the audience to take. 

Now that we have brainstormed a bit, can you summarize one point per circle to create an overall channel strategy? What one thing is the same for all your KNOW-TRUST-ACT?

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