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Channels are any method you use to deliver your message to your target audience and can be divided into paid, free, digital, and traditional. Through these channels you can use pretty much anything to carry content: videos, cases, newsfeed, information, sales pitches, games, etc. We live in a world where there is so much information out there and the competition is fierce. That means that whatever you create, needs to be quality and quantity. It’s important to understand which channels are best for your target audience, and how many different types of channels there are.

In general, focusing on one channel that is big enough to reach all of your potential audience is a good idea—but it’s also important to have more than one channel to have a better effect. People are seldom found in just one place. For example, if you have a product that is new on the market and you don’t yet have enough brand awareness, using only one channel might not work well for you. But if you have other a couple of social media channels or email marketing, those could be effective ways to spread the word about your product before it has gained traction in other ways.

Lets not forget that it’s not only digital channels or advertising channels that matter. Phone calls, presentations, networking events, and coffee meetings are extremely important channels. Some of the most successful businesses focus only on these.

The amount of channels is not important; it’s choosing the right ones which is key! And what you say in those channels and how you use them is very important.

Where is your target audience hanging out? Are you using that channel to the best of your ability?

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