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Everyone you know is unique and their most defining trait is their personality. It’s what makes us human. Personality is such a fundamental necessity for us to understand people around us that we even interpret other things as having personalities so we can understand them. This can be absolutely anything: pets, plants, interior design, E.T., and strange-looking fish. Basically, anything that includes brands!

Your brand personality conveys your brand’s attitude and character to your audience. It’s the sum of all the ways a brand communicates with its target audience, including how it talks, what kind of language it uses, what tone it takes, and even how it looks.

It’s important for brands to have a clear brand personality because that lets customers know who they’re talking to. If a brand has no personality, then it’s hard for customers to relate to it or feel like they can trust it. They may also feel like there’s nothing special about that brand—and why would they want to buy from someone who doesn’t stand out?

Your brand needs to be able to speak clearly so that your customers can easily understand what you’re trying to say. This will help them identify with your business and feel confident about buying from you!

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