The smartest way to structure and develop your brand

The Branding Table™ is the world’s most clarifying branding model and method. Because it’s 100 % holistic, it helps you stay focused and consistent over time, whatever the branding activity, agency collaborsation, or business development process.
The platform consists of 27 branding elements, structured into three categories: purpose, identity, and strategy. The categories fit together and make it easier for you to answer and communicate why you exist, how you are different, and what your plan is. Defining short, spot-on answers to these questions will help you create a more attractive and unique business, and maximize your brand’s impact at all touch points.
Once you know yourself and your priorities, you’ll be unstoppable. Let’s find your strategic superpowers!

The Branding Table™ helps you:
- Maximize customer value and brand impact
- Prioritise wisely
- Keep everything together
How you doin’? Come find out!
Check out The Branding Analysis™ and see your strategic branding status.
Easy as 1,2,3
To create change on a large scale, you have to know where you’re heading and make many small changes over time.
The Branding Table™ model and method were developed for over 25 years by us – a strategic branding team based in Stockholm, Sweden – while working with brands of all kinds and sizes.
The inefficiency in how every organization and agency works with branding in completely different and scattered ways has always bothered us. Not to mention the confusion among all the buzzwords. In most cases, the organization itself has no overview, and lacks control over its strategy and branding process!
We want to change this. By bringing clarity, control, and structure to the complex work of building a successful brand. We know it takes a great deal of effort. But it doesn’t have to be anywhere near as difficult, ineffective, or expensive, as it usually ends up being.
Our mission is to simplify purpose-based business growth. We know that any determined organization, big or small, can stay consistent and create a world-class brand that improves people’s lives as well as the future. Just as easy as 1,2,3.
Find out how The Branding Table™ can bring structure and value to your business.

Kim Westerlund
+46 76 554 24 23